About rivulet 10

July 2023


In their serialized essay “Abolitionary Listening: Propositions & Questions,” theorists Carson Cole Arthur, Petero Kalulé and AM Kanngieser wonder whether “all sovereign structures of apprehension grapple with listening as capture, with listening as the calculability of law.”

And if this is the case, they ask, how are we——as authors, readers, listeners, witnesses——to undo this "listening as capture"? Where does listening function beyond sound?

The question is one avenue into rivulet 10: sound barrier. We invite you to consider what is undone by the contributors’ dynamic studies of portal, translatability, safety, mutation.

In this issue, we’re pleased to share:

   portal-collages grafting together aliens, critters, and plants;
   an epistolary pantoum addressed to a body phase-changing into landscape;
   part one of a serialized long-form essay on ritual and inheritance;
   mythographic verse lost in render;
   a lyric essay finding the inside of untranslatability by listening creatively;
   poem-animation-voice sorting through childhood detritus & inclement mutations;
   algorithmic noise exploding physical instruments’ viscera;
   sweet edible perfume poems;
   tender, distanced missives from the edges of adolescent safety.

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A bibliography:

Arthur, Carson Cole, Petero Kalulé & AM Kanngieser. “Abolitionary Listening: Propositions & Questions.”
Baker, Nicholson. The Mezzanine.
Cain, Amina. A Horse at Night.
Diaz, Hernán. In the Distance.
El Sadawi, Nawal. Woman at Point Zero.
Lively, Penelope. Moon Tiger.
Luan, Emily Lee. 回 / RETURN.
Wanaina, Kenneth Binyavanga. Some Day I Will Write About This Place.

Hamoud, Maysaloun. Bar Bahar.
Merz, Nicholas. American Classic.
Olnek, Madeleine. Wild Nights with Emily.