let me get in touch with my pelvis



Let me get in touch with my pelvis
scoby breathe into my palmsquint squint squint … nothing. it comes
so easy 2 mums green thumb.

Mine swell with search...im still feeling lucky
access it while “you” can!

the x ray: 1. protect the womb first w/ a tin blanket <-Swaddled + ssafee->
3.swelling safe... toxicity swaddled in Al.
4.discharged, release, silent but gummy, crooked plaster~stuff the

orange fruits keep me Fertile , Orange fruits keep me Hydrated. pour
water against jerky internals ~~ hear my hips pop n purr ,
vata pitta relentless=Restless=resentless,

keep it on while ur in here, the h o l e time please, curtain glides but
where r my shades? pour parchment into the iris

Waheguruji smells like residual turmeric kombucha circuma
ticonderogaqua but i found the rickshaw glinting in the sand . i
squinted so hard my eyes shut into themselves, i swallowed them h o l e please, left them in the tidepool near the anemone
~Mix lichen with water, codependency
~Lichen with bark, symbiosis

~Lichen in a vessel, agni

So when i stare into the ripples currents and spray
I can reach the other worlds! like e=mc^2 i stare into my eyelids i see
golden green honeycombs but the bzzzzzzzz’s pucker purple.

i feel follicles

the Opacity $$$ switch~up up~ ~up !
! ! ! !
through belly breaths
Hold hold hold it. chi qi taadoji
ExhaleNot through the mouthThrough the mouth
release…. Swelling ...sip sip sip ...jerkyng

i oil pull in the mornings...i try to. I’ve Tried To.
oil pulling grants me access to my hips
i can learn, i am the oil, i can learn,
Too too high in omega 3’s, i can learn, i am the oil,
ayurveda healed me but i am ayurveda, right? in my dna, right?
anxiety, right beneath it, that’s in my dna, right? they’re in my dna

Don’t stress the adrenals don’t lean to far… don’t swoop down down

Dog… use the brain in hips. use the brain in Womb. use the brain in
groin. 1’11 find 1111 there.
1’11 check what the beets have 2 say, eyes closed till i dip them n
swallow them h o l e ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

i cant sleep with the full moons chandni
New moon i cant wake up ~~~.


amira {@amirachandni on instagram} is a punjabi american artist + editor whose work focuses on localized food systems and fibersheds, alternative textile development + environmental justice. she strives to center the stories of the land and the wisdom of the original stewards of the land we live, grow + love on as a means of countering systemic violence and silencing. she believes that land, food, + fashion are inextricably related and utilizes her modeling work, arts practices + experience in grassroots organizing + environmental advocacy to bring narratives intertwining land, identity, + food to the forefront. Based in NYC @ the moment :^)